Check DPN at early stage
The Mediracer® NCS is an objective solution to support the clinical evaluation of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, DPN, by observing the evolution of conduction velocity from the sural nerve. Handheld Mediracer® NCS solution is cost-efficient, accurate and easy to use examination tool at point of care, or at home care.
DPN checked at early stage

Mediracer® NCS application for DPN provides immediate indication for abnormal finding, and the results can be monitored over time, compared to normative values. Mediracer NCS provides objectivity to neuropathy screening, and supports subclinical early detection of DPN.
Mediracer® NCS is a certified class IIa medical device in Europe (CE), U.S. (FDA), Japan (PMDA), Korea (KFDA) and Australia (TGA).
Assessment solution for
diabetic peripheral neuropathy
Mediracer® NCS solution comprises of a handheld NCS machine, disposal electrodes, sensory and/or motor cables, charger and analysis software for PC. Mediracer turnkey solution provides optional remote interpretation service by clinical neurophysiologist, or a platform for interpretation by a local doctor.
Order Mediracer® NCS brochure
Peripheral neuropathy is a complication of diabetes and the most common nerves affected are the sural and superficial peroneal sensory nerves in the feet. Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) is the form of diabetic neuropathy which mainly alters sensory function, causing abnormal feelings, progressive numbness and may facilitate the development of ulcers (diabetic foot), serious infections and in some case amputations.
+358 45 899 2626
Kasarmintie 13, 90130 Oulu Finland